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Best Man Speech What to Say About the Bride

Writing a best man speech can be daunting, to say the least. However, it doesn't have to be. By sticking with our short best man speeches method, you can say what needs to be said and still impress and be funny. And the good news is it only takes is a few minutes, and then you can breathe again and enjoy the day!

A Quick Reminder On What Makes a Great Speech

Bride and groom clicking champagne glasses during wedding toast
Image Source: Shutterstock

A great speech will always include the essentials. An intro that's appreciated, heartfelt words, a few jokes, and the right kind of toast are just the beginning. Here are a few tips for writing a great best man toast.

8 Tips to Improve Your Speech Writing

  1. First, introduce yourself and thank everyone for coming
  2. Talk about your relationship with the groom after a short introduction of yourself.
  3. Thank everyone for organizing the event.
  4. If anyone has sent messages but cannot be there that day, read them.
  5. Poke fun at the groom a bit by sharing a funny story.
  6. Compliment the bride and say something about the bridesmaid.
  7. Offer a bit of advice to the married couple. Something funny is great, here.
  8. Then, offer up a sincere toast to the newlyweds.
  9. When you are done, present the next speaker for the evening. Finally, take your seat.

Short and Sweet Best Man Speech Examples

Funny and Upbeat

"Good evening everyone! Let's lift our glasses and toast to the newlyweds!

Don't worry, your arms won't get tired. My speech is going to be like a mini-skirt: long enough to cover the essentials and short enough to hold your attention.

[Groom], thank you for being such a stable force in my life, a great friend and an even better brother. [Bride], I think we can all agree that you're stunning this evening and [Groom] won the lottery.

[Bride] & [Groom], tonight we celebrate you. We all wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, health, success, and laughter. May you continue to find humor in the bad and appreciation for the good. May your friendship continue to grow throughout all the years to come. Cheers!"

Brother's Funny & Short Best Man Speech

Here's an example of a brother of the groom that hates public speaking giving a best man speech in under 3 minutes. Yes! It's possible. He got in a few funny things about the groom and well wishes and wrapped it up.

Heartfelt and Personal

"Hello, everyone, I am Brad. You may not know me, but Keith and I go way back, since college, in fact. We have been mischief makers together since the very start.

But despite our best efforts, today has gone off without a hitch. A special thanks to everyone who made today possible. I have a few words to read from well-wishers who could not join us here today (read off messages sent from people who could not attend).

Well, their kind words are right. Keith is a heck of a guy. I guess I first knew that on the day we met. There he was, already in our dorm room, doing his best to find himself a girl on campus. And he had only been there a few hours! Really, his pursuits in this avenue were largely less than successful.

That was until he met Maddie. And thank goodness for that. Keith, I hate to tell you this, but I have seen your ex-girlfriends, and I certainly think the best woman won out. Or, at least the most beautiful, at any rate. She looks stunning today. So, too, do the bridesmaids. If any of them are interested, I can give them my number after this is over.

I would like to offer you both a bit of advice today, as you start this new journey together. Keith, always treats Maddie like the queen that she is. And Maddie, always remembers that Keith loves you and could not do it without you. Seriously, I have seen him without you. And that was a mess.

But, seriously, I wish you all best. You are both near and dear to me. Your life together is sure to be a fantastic new chapter for both of you. Now, if you would all join me to give a toast to Luke and Maddie."

Hilarious Best Man Speech – Kills it in Under 6 Minutes

Simple & to the Point

"Good Evening. My name is (Best Man) and on behalf of (Groom and Bride), I would like to thank you for attending this blessed event today! I have the honor of acting as Best Man tonight and am thrilled that I am with these two wonderful people as they begin this new chapter in their lives.

See also

Groom kicking up shoes with arms around groomsmen celebrating wedding day

 (Bride and Groom) have each walked many miles to be here together today, and this wedding is a joy to behold. I can speak for everyone in this room when I say we all wish you the happiness that you deserve. We are so glad that you have found one another, and this day is a reminder that the best is yet to come. Congratulations, (Bride and Groom)!"


Short Best Man Speech with Some Great One-Liners

If you're looking for some great one-liners for your best man speech check this out.

"Everyone – please raise your champagne and join me in a toast to Melanie and Howard. As I begin this wedding toast one of the first thoughts that pop into my mind is… if I'm the best man… then why is Melanie getting married to Howard? I guess because today, I am just an average man and Howard is the best man.

In my considerable research to learn how to deliver an incredible best man speech, I quickly realized that in my toast I am expected to sing the praises of our groom and tell you what a wonderful guy Howard is. Unfortunately, I'm a terrible singer and an even worse liar.

Howard… Melanie is a kind, beautiful, and a good-hearted person who deserves a great husband. Thank goodness you stole her heart before she found one. All kidding aside – my heart is filled with so much love, respect, and admiration for my dear friend, Howard. I am beyond honored to be standing here today in front of you in the role of his best man… I love you both and wish you many years of happy marriage. Can't wait to see what this world has in store for you both. Cheers!"

Short & Sweet With Blessings

"Ladies and gentlemen. I met John in 1990. We have been friends for over 17 years. In that time, he has proven himself to be not only a great friend but a truly good man as well. I value my friendship with John and I look forward to having the same great friendship with his lovely new bride Katherine.

I know one important thing about Katherine. She has made John happier than I have ever seen him. Today is a day of joy and happiness for all of us. But it is not just a day… it's the very special beginning of a new life between John and Katherine. I wish you both health and happiness and may God bless your marriage."

Best Man Speech What to Say About the Bride
